Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday....

  1. It's Friday Eve!
  2. New Blog Design....
  3. A cold snap to remind me that God is in control of EVERYTHING including really cold weather that I am NOT partial to, however, I can't do ANYTHING about it so....
  4. re-runs of The King of Queens on 3 different channels!
  5. my mawmaw's afghans that keep me warm each night
  6. a photo CD of my family being delivered tomorrow, YEAH!
  7. the final day of an unfortunate burden in my teaching career
  8. people that pass by you in the hallway and really mean their hellos and how are you's....they even really listen to your reply
  9. a chocolate eclair between friends at The White Horse
  10. an amazing husband and kids, love you MUCHO!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am thankful for friends like you who have unending love and encouragement for others! Love you!