Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring Itch...

Anybody else have it?? No, not that personal gotta-put-cream-on-it itch. I'm talking wanna-drive-with-the-windows-down kinda spring fever!!! It was such a beautiful day. A perfect 74. The sky was TARHEEL blue and full of birds singing. The breeze was cool to my face and the sun was warm on my back, sleepy warm. I could have stayed outside all day long!! If anyone knows where there is weather like this all year long please clue me in, I'm hoppin' on a jet plane.


Amanda said...

I just couldn't make myself come in yesterday! I even read the newspaper outside- I guess that means I am getting old. :)

Jen said...

It's warm and sunny most of the year in El Paso, but it's also windy and dusty! Hey, you take what you can get!! I do have the fever, though! Unfortunately going outside means dirty boys and dirty boys means bath! Poor Maverick's pale, dry skin is going to shrivel up if he takes a bath every day!