Monday, June 23, 2008

A Fish, not Jonah and the Whale

Yesterday at church, our Sunday School lesson was about God being Real and El Shaddai. After the lesson we teamed up in smaller groups to replay a time this week (or month) when God was made real for us at that moment. Well, I shared about this whole house deal and that all doors were closed in order for us to get our in-laws' house. Another group member (we'll call her "Lucy") started off by saying this story may seem silly but God was in it....oh, gracious. It goes like this....

Her 10 year olf daughter had a fishbowl, the no-pump attached, gotta-clean-it-yourself, kind of tank. It HAD 2 fish in it before she cleaned it. {background....before end of year testing she inadvertently killed the first set of fish b/c she forgot to add chlorine drops to the water. Thus they floated belly-up and were at Wal-mart the night before state tests} Anyway, "Lucy's daughter" had her chore of cleaning the fish bowl, including the chlorine drops, and then meeting her mom for outdoor chores around the house. Lucy and her daughter had been outside for about 30 minutes when Lucy needed something from inside the house. She walked in to find the fishbowl sitting on the kitchen counter with only ONE fish swimming, swimming, just keep swimming. WHERE IS THE OTHER FISH???? She looks to see a thin, lifeless, skinny sliver of silver lying on the floor, uh-oh!! Lucy thinks, Dear Lord, she's done it again...what are we going to do? So she calls her daughter in and they immediately begin to pray, yes pray over the fish. No this isn't the miracle story of how Jesus fed the 5,000.

Lucy and her daughter put the very limp fish back into the bowl and held hands to pray for revival. They prayed and prayed and all of a sudden that little fish started darting around the bowl like a mad man. Immediately, the daughter shouts, "God did it!!! He brought him back to life!!! God is real and he answers prayers!! I can't wait to tell the kids at Sunday School tomorrow!"

So.....this story trumped us all for our Sunday School discussion in-the-round. I just hope they re-named the poor little fish Lazzarus!!!

1 comment:

Joy said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!