Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ten Things Tuesday...

  1. 11 more school days :0)
  2. No more state testing!! 5th grade finished today :0)
  3. A new plan for Children's Church that doesn't involve me considering celibacy after keeping the 2-year olds' nursery
  4. A cohort in crime that will also depart from the old nursery lifestyle and hit the multi-media highway with me in the fall ;0)
  5. Did I say 11 more days?? :0)
  6. The ability to make a smiley face with just a few strokes of the keyboard :0)
  7. Blake's baseball team clinched a playoff spot as the #1 seed for the championship rec ball tournament, and his travel USSSA baseball team is now 2nd in the state :0)
  8. It's raining....I love an evening thunderstorm that renews God's creations on this awesome earth.
  9. A daughter that thinks free popcorn at the gas station is the best thing EVER :0)
  10. Did I mention, 11 more days?? ;0)


Our Family! said...

What a great list! I am new to this entire "blogging" world and have grown quite addicted! I really love the idea of "Ten Things Tuesday" and look forward to posting again next week. Take care and have a wonderful week!

~ Amy

Sharon said...

Lovely list, lovely blog. Will definitely be back for 'more'.


Jen said...

fun little list. what's the children's church plan?

Jill said...

Woo hoo for you that school is almost out!!! Any big plans for the Summer?

mzzterry said...

so, how many days of school left????? =)

Danna Ramsey said...

Alright, how much caffeine did you consume before writing this list? :) And I'm right there with your daughter and the free pop-corn!

Jen Whisonant said...

I miss you, too!!! And popcorn - woo-hoo!!! PS - Quaker makes popcorn flavored rice cakes - and they are actually good! How's that!