Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thirteen Thursday...

  1. It's Friday Eve!!
  2. Ball schedule was posted today with only 3 games on Saturday.
  3. CSI & ER are new episodes tonight!
  4. My husband did all the laundry tonight.
  5. Thursday Night Women's Group sorted all the yardsale stuff in 2 hours.
  6. No one in my class needed a lunch from the cafe for tomorrow's field trip.
  7. Did I say field trip #2 tomorrow....yeaha!
  8. The Light Rail!! Our class is riding it to the museum in the morning. I love technology in transportation.
  9. A breezy feels like the coast outside tonight.
  10. Clean more pollen on the house and front porch.
  11. A daughter that runs to me every night when I come home from school.
  12. Teachers that love my kids...Happy Teacher's Appreciation Week Ladies!
  13. Tomorrow we are going to the RH Ducks Unlimited Oyster Roast....mmm!! I love enjoying an evening outside with good food and great company for a worthwhile cause. It's all for the ducks!!! We'll see if we come home with another Jim Killian again.

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